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“Ira Conor”

Some snaps of me and my youngest. It's hard to jump into the photos sometimes. I'm glad I passed Holly the camera for these!

Ira began lunging for our food at around 4.5 months old. And now that he's old enough to eat, this is what his face looks like:

For a kiddo who has been chomping at the bit to eat, it's pretty funny to see him respond as though just about everything I give him is sour. I'm sure he'll catch on at some point! He likes being at the table with the family so that's something.

Aw, these two!

As Ira becomes more expressive and mobile, E is beginning to see him as more of a playmate rather than a blob to be poked and prodded. It's pretty fun to see their friendship beginning!

My I-Guy is a half year old! Time continues to be a thief. Ira is a delightful baby! He's happy and chatty. He's friendly and loves to laugh. He's a busy little dude and has really mastered pivoting on his stomach. He can spin in a full circle with efficiency. Ira continues to amaze us with his blow outs. Will it never end?! He's been grabbing at our plates and food on the table for over a month, but makes a sour face when I feed him solids. He's had oatmeal, avocado, nectarine and green beans. And I guess it all tastes sour to him! I'm sure he'll get the hang of it and in the meantime, I'm not stressing. Ira still sleeps in our room and it's almost like he's started listening for us to come to bed so he can have a milky snack. Fortunately he falls right back asleep! At Ira's well check, his doctor asked me if he has any teeth. I said no, but then an hour later when eating lunch with Conor, Conor noticed a tooth. There's no way that tooth popped through that fast, so the poor dude is clearly a 5th child. At his appointment, the doctor reminded me to have Ira practice sitting up. Well, a few days later, I sat Ira up and was amazed at how well he could sit all on his own! All that tummy time and baby sit-ups are really working for him. Ira likes to have the tip of his tongue sticking out (probably because that new tooth is so fascinating!) and he can blow raspberries. He loves his siblings, although he sometimes cries when E is headed his way. I continue to be so in love with everything about him. His stocky legs are so cute! And his big blue eyes catch everyone's attention.

And Ira doing his baby sit ups!

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